
‘These Stories Serve as a Snapshot’; The 2022 ‘Comeback’ That Will Be Short-Form Video

In Reuters Institute’s Journalism, Media and Technology Trends and Predictions 2022, they predict that short-form social video will make a comeback off the back of creator innovation in social networks. “Expect publishers to adopt more of these techniques in 2022, along with the growth of streaming platforms… contributing to a new ‘pivot to video.’”

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Matt Kinsman Promoted to Executive Director of AM&P Network

We are thrilled to share that Matt Kinsman has been promoted to Executive Director of the Associations, Media & Publishing (AM&P) Network. Matt has been with SIIA since 2013 serving our members as Vice President Content and Programming. In this newly created role, Matt will lead the growth and expansion of the media and information group – spearheading member recruitment, identifying new market opportunities and pursuing strategic partnerships with other like-minded organizations both in media and beyond.

SIIA’s AM&P Network has persevered through the pandemic and now is focused on growth. We are working diligently to realize the full potential of this marketplace to benefit our members and expand the community to include data companies, tech platforms, digital natives, consumer enthusiast publishers and more.

“We are proud and excited to reward Matt’s leadership, commitment to member service, industry knowledge and passion for the industry with this deserving promotion,” said Jeff Joseph, SIIA President. “Since the merger of Connectiv, SIPA and AM&P last January, Matt has led the effort to win back former media members and recruit new companies to our community, while continuing his role as the head of media content and programming.”


‘Hybrid Is Going to Evolve’; An Association Shows That Multi-Venue Events Don’t Have to Be Just for Olympics

You’re an association publisher or media company with communities in many areas—in the U.S. but also could be globally. In addition to everyone coming together for your major in-person events—which we’re all so excited about—there could also be a regional day with in-person attendance at various locations and a virtual audience taking part as well. IACC (formerly the International Association of Conference Centers)  showed how it’s done.

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Right on Q: 5 Questions With Rene Ryan, VP, Content Strategy, GLC

Are there certain tenets you go by that make it easier to keep a consistent strategy for each?
We believe that to have a robust and successful content strategy, you need to fire on all cylinders—whenever your audiences are—which is why we’re always thinking about cross-channel distribution. All the channels have to work together to create the richest, most personalized content experience.

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