SIIA Urges Administration to Reconsider Student Visa Restrictions

SIIA CONTACT: Michelle Harris, 202.789.4450 

SIIA Urges Administration to Reconsider Student Visa Restrictions

WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 8, 2020) – The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), the principal association for the software, information, and digital content industries, opposes the restrictions on foreign students remaining in the United States if their universities adopt distance learning solutions.

SIIA President and CEO, Jeff Joseph, issued the following statement:

“America’s colleges and universities attract the best and brightest students domestically and from around the world. The announcement that some students will need to return to their home countries if their coursework is entirely online is misguided. International students enrich our nation by offering diverse ideas and perspectives to their college communities while contributing an estimated $45 billion to the U.S. economy and 460,000 jobs.  Many U.S.-educated foreign students stay in America upon graduation, contributing to our economy and enhancing our competitiveness.  Some go on to work for U.S. companies in fields that are already struggling to fill open positions. If we send these students home they may never return to the U.S., particularly given our restrictive immigration laws. Moreover, this directive will discourage foreign students from attending American universities, allowing other nations to develop and utilize these bright young minds. We urge the Administration to reconsider this decision.”

About SIIA:
SIIA is an umbrella association that represents constituencies from technology, data and media companies. Through in-person and online business development opportunities, peer networking, corporate education, intellectual property protection and government relations, SIIA provides a network of resources for its 800+ member companies that drive innovation and growth. For more information, visit

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