The following statement can be attributed to Paul Lekas, Senior Vice President, Software & Information Industry Association.

We applaud Secretary Raimondo’s ambitious strategic vision for the U.S. Safety Institute (U.S. AISI). The U.S. AISI, housed within the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), will serve as the cornerstone for advancing the science of AI safety and responsible AI innovation in the United States. This is essential to enable the United States to continue leading in AI innovation – and do so in a way that reflects the interests of civil society, academia, industry, and the public sector. Recognizing the global dimension of AI, we are also encouraged by the launch of the International Network of AI Safety Institutes. The Network expands on crucial collaborations among the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, Canada, Singapore, and the European Union, and provides the framework necessary to promote cross-border collaboration and align AI policy based on science, safety, and democratic values.

The U.S. AISI will be critical for the United States’ ability to shape global policy around AI. We encourage Congress to support the strategic vision by providing the Department of Commerce with the authorities and appropriations needed for the U.S. AISI to lead domestically and internationally, such as by passing the   Future of AI Innovation Act.

As a proud member of the U.S. AISI Consortium, SIIA looks forward to working closely with the Commerce Department to support NIST’s valuable and long-standing efforts to promote AI safety while fostering U.S. innovation.