Marco Carmo

Director of Alliances and Partnerships, LSEG

He began his career in the United Kingdom, as a developer of solutions for the financial market, until in 1996 when he returned to Brazil and joined Reuters Serviços Economicos. He was responsible for the Open Systems and Professional Services area at Reuters for 10 years, moving to the commercial area in 2010, holding several leadership positions at Reuters, Thomson Reuters, Refinitiv and now at LSEG – London Stock Exchange Group.

Responsible for developing alliances and partnerships in the different areas of activity of LSEG – Data and Analytics, in the Americas, one of its main objectives is to develop the ecosystem of partners in the areas of financial and Risk and Compliance solutions for Latin America.

Graduated in Computer Science from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow – Scotland and with a specialization in software engineering from IPT – Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas de São Paulo.

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