SIIA Joins Other Associations in Asking for Stronger U.S. Leadership in Digital Trade Advocacy

The Software Information and Industry Association (SIIA) joins multiple associations in voicing concern over recent U.S. administration actions on digital trade, particularly the withdrawal of support for proposed WTO disciplines and exclusion of digital trade barriers from the 2024 National Trade Estimate Report. It highlights bipartisan opposition from Congress and alarm from various stakeholder groups, emphasizing the importance of policies that safeguard cross-border data flows and prevent discrimination against American companies. Furthermore, the letter refutes claims that strong digital trade rules only benefit big tech, asserting their significance for firms of all sizes and sectors. It argues against the notion that such rules impede domestic legislation, citing examples of other countries with similar norms and underscoring the bipartisan nature of U.S. leadership on digital trade. Ultimately, it urges the USTR to prioritize a digital trade agenda that serves the nation’s economy, companies, and workers.

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