SIIA Statement on White House Executive Order to Protect Americans’ Sensitive Personal Data

This statement can be attributed to Paul Lekas, Senior Vice President, Global Public Policy, Software & Information Industry Association.

Today’s Executive Order is a significant step forward in raising awareness about the potential for countries of concern to exploit  Americans’ sensitive personal data, and we recognize the risks that the misuse of certain kinds of data can pose. We applaud the Administration for its action to address these risks while recognizing the fundamental importance of cross-border data flows and a continuing commitment to an open Internet. As the Administration develops regulations to implement the terms of the Executive Order, it is critical to focus on measures narrowly tailored to stop bad actors from misusing or selling Americans’ data while preserving the ability of commercial publishers to continue to drive the information economy in the United States and globally. We look forward to working closely with the White House, the Department of Justice and other agencies on this endeavor.

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