Adopting a Risk-Based Approach to the Regulation of Data Practices

Coinciding with Data Privacy Week, the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) just released a comprehensive white paper. This document serves as a guide, shedding light on the multifaceted legal, practical, and ethical considerations crucial for the fair and productive regulation of “data brokers.”

While privacy discussions often center on data brokers in a broad sense, it is crucial to recognize that companies involved in information creation, dissemination, and utilization are diverse entities. Capitol Hill and various state capitols frequently express concerns about the risks associated with information publishing and its impact on consumer privacy, yet they may overlook the nuanced advantages and challenges inherent in the existence of such data. This oversight extends to the profound influence of data on the productive development and adoption of artificial intelligence (AI).

*This content reflects the view of the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), and may not reflect the individual views of each SIIA member company.

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