SIIA Raises Constitutional Concerns Regarding Maine LD 1977 Draft

The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) has expressed constitutional concerns regarding the current draft of Maine’s LD 1977. The association argues that this exemption may be unworkable and potentially unconstitutional, deviating from best practices in state privacy laws.

Key Concerns:

  1. First Amendment Impact: SIIA argues that the draft infringes on First Amendment rights by subjecting inferences from public data to consumer rights, violating the protection of information creation and dissemination.
  2. Protection of Public Domain: SIIA emphasizes that the First Amendment protects opinions formed from public information, and fears of collecting public data do not justify regulation.
  3. Combination of Public and Private Information: SIIA expresses concerns that the draft may be unconstitutional by restricting the distribution of public record information when combined with private data.

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