The following statement can be attributed to Paul Lekas, Senior Vice President, Global Public Policy, SIIA.

The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) congratulates Majority Leader Schumer on the SAFE Innovation Framework for artificial intelligence (AI). We agree that the policy aims of security, accountability, foundations, explain ability and innovation are crucial for maximizing the benefits while minimizing the risks of automated systems. We share Senator Schumer’s desire for American leadership in developing a framework for trustworthy, accountable and socially beneficial AI.

We support the goal of ensuring that AI is given necessary guardrails to protect consumers from incomplete or opaque outcomes. Furthermore, we believe the SAFE Innovation principles should apply to every stage of the AI lifecycle, including development, implementation, and ongoing oversight and monitoring.

SIIA also supports the majority leader’s focus on AI accountability. In SIIA’s recent submission in response to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA’s) Request for Comment on AI Accountability policy, we highlighted the need for a risk-based approach calibrated to the risk of harm posed by AI systems. Accountability is naturally a different question for AI systems that, for example, render employment, financial services or housing decisions. As Senator Schumer articulated, this also speaks to the central role the federal government must play in legislating the regulatory gaps around AI, as well as the importance of relying on experts in both private sector AI development and existing highly-regulated consumer protection arenas.

We commend the majority leader on this initiative and the upcoming expert forums, and look forward to an ongoing dialogue building on our previous discussions to meet AI’s defining challenges.