The following statement can be attributed to Chris Mohr, President, Software & Information Industry Association.

The ability of companies to transfer data across borders is the lifeblood of the digital economy. Since the European Court of Justice’s Schrems II decision, these transatlantic data flows have been saddled with legal uncertainty.

SIIA welcomes today’s decision by the European Commission, and the strong support expressed last week by the EU’s member states, to adopt its adequacy decision under the General Data Protection Regulation. This marks the final step toward operationalizing the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, an agreement that restores certainty for businesses and safeguards the fundamental rights of EU citizens.

We also commend President Biden and his administration for the critical role they have played in reaching this milestone, which will benefit businesses and consumers on both sides of the Atlantic. While today’s achievement is significant, we continue to call on Congress to pass a comprehensive federal privacy law that balances the rights of consumers with business certainty.