TECH& with Chris Mohr and Tod Cohen regarding Section 230

In this engaging and insightful video, three experts come together to discuss the hotly debated topic of Section 230. Paul Lekas, Senior Vice President, Global Public Policy, Chris Mohr, President, SIIA, and Tod Cohen, Partner, Steptoe & Johnson LLP lean their expertise in technology law to round out an engaging conversation.

Section 230 is a provision of the Communications Decency Act that provides immunity for online platforms from liability for content posted by third parties. This provision has become the subject of much debate and controversy, with some arguing that it enables platforms to avoid responsibility for harmful content, while others argue that it is essential for protecting free speech and innovation online.

The case of Gonzalez v Google is an important one that centers around online privacy, liability, and the responsibility of technology companies. The case revolves around allegations that Google violated the Wiretap Act by scanning emails in order to deliver targeted advertising. This case has far-reaching implications for technology companies and their responsibility to protect user data and privacy.

In this conversation, our experts will explore the intricacies of Section 230, the challenges that it poses for lawmakers and online platforms, and the potential impact of proposed reforms. They will delve into the legal and ethical issues surrounding the provision and offer insights into the future of online speech and content moderation. Join us as we explore the complexities of Section 230 and gain valuable insights into the challenges facing online platforms, lawmakers, and consumers in the ever-evolving landscape of online communication.

Watch the full conversation here

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