SIIA joins Multi Association Letter to the President on Canada’s International Commitments.

We write to you in advance of your upcoming visit to Ottawa to express our concerns about several measures that will undermine the ability of U.S. companies to fairly compete in the Canadian market. We urge you to raise these issues during your visit, with a view toward ensuring that Canada fully honors its international commitments.

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) was a signature bipartisan effort, and your Administration has rightly called USMCA enforcement a top priority. This is particularly true with respect to modernized enforcement mechanisms and a robust digital trade chapter. We strongly believe that the USMCA can raise standards in many areas – agricultural market access, digital trade, environmental standards, labor rights, and services access.

However, we are concerned that Canada is pursuing a number of problematic proposals and actions that could significantly limit the ability of U.S. companies to export their goods and services and fairly compete in the Canadian market. It is critical for the United States to hold Canada accountable to its USMCA commitments to ensure the continued success of this important agreement. Relatedly, Canada’s proposed policy approaches would impede ongoing efforts to drive North American economic competitiveness, including the North American Leaders’ Summit and the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (APEP).

Read the full letter here.

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