Randall Duran

Senior Lecturer, Singapore Management University Randall E. Duran is a senior lecturer a Singapore Management University and holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.). He was formerly Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Catena Technologies, a Singapore-based Fintech company that he founded, which was acquired by IHS Markit. Prior to that, Randall was one of the early employees at TIBCO. Besides having started and grown Fintech companies, Randall has also served as the Chief Information Officer of a US-based bank. Over three decades, he has worked with a wide range of financial institutions in the United States, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa, including retail banks, investment banks, and stock exchanges. Randall is the author of the textbook “Financial Services Technology: Processes, Architecture, and Solutions” and co-author of “Regulation of Fintech in Asia-Pacific”

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