Eduardo R. Hruschka

Data Science Consultant and Professor

Eduardo R. Hruschka is a Data Science consultant and also a professor of Computer Engineering at USP. Between 2021-2022, he was senior director of data & analytics at Ambev. Between 2016-2021, he was superintendent and chief data scientist at Itaú-Unibanco, where he created, organized and managed the first team of data scientists working on a large scale in Brazil. Between 2013-2016, he was co-founder and chief scientist of the startup Big Data, the first Brazilian company focused on solving business problems via Data Science. He completed his doctorate at COPPE/UFRJ and did post-doctoral work at the University of Texas at Austin. Published 118 scientific articles, which received more than 6,200 scholarly citations, and was listed as one of the top 2% most influential scientists in the world by Stanford University / Public Library of Science

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