Ray Anderson

Head of Fixed Income and Data Services Australia and New Zealand, ICE Data Services

Ray Anderson is Head of Fixed Income and Data Services Australia and New Zealand at ICE Data Services. Ray is responsible for evaluating fixed income securities covering Asia Pacific, educating our clients about evaluation processes and methodologies and working with our Sales and Account management teams in furthering the markets understanding of the broader ICE Data Services product offering.

Ray has worked at ICE Data Services since 1999 in a range of operating and management roles associated with the evaluation of fixed income securities and data offerings.

Prior to joining ICE, Ray served as Senior Director, Evaluated Pricing Services in APAC, at Interactive Data. He has over 20 years of experience in market data services working with Asset Managers, Custodians, broker/dealers and financial institutions in the Asia Pacific region.
Ray holds a Bachelor of Accounting and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment.


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