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March 9 @ 1:30 - 8:00PM London Time

This event is at capacity and registration is closed. Due to space constraints, walk-ins will not be allowed. Please contact David Anderson with questions.

This annual FISD event focuses on the technology that underpins the operation of a successful and vibrant market data industry. The programming will dive deeper into engineering and technology and is intended to appeal to both members who come from an engineering/technical background – and serve as an opportunity for non-technical folk can learn more about technology.

FISD takes COVID-19 very seriously. FISD will comply with local and national government rules – and the rules/policies of the venue.  

FISD London Tech Forum Agenda
FISD London Tech Forum Attendee List
Sponsor Collateral: Expert talk: Refinitiv Real-Time – Optimized Connecting Market Data Strategy to Real-Time Data in The Cloud
FISD FIA Syllabus for Download 


1:30 - 2:00 p.m. 

Registration and Networking

2:00 - 2:05 p.m. 

FISD Opening
David Anderson
, FISD/Atradia

2:05 - 2:15 p.m. 

Host Welcome
Alistair Kerr, Global Head of Market Data Services, JP Morgan

2:15 - 3:00 p.m. 

Panel - The Latest and Greatest: Market Data in the Cloud 

Market Data in the Cloud is fast becoming BAU. Has everything been said? … Not by a long shot! Here we explore the very latest while avoiding the well-trodden path behind us and instead forging ahead as close to that cutting edge as is safe in early 2023.

Moderator: Ollie Cadman, CEO, The Realization Group
Viny Bodhani, Principal Sales Specialist, Exchange Data Feeds, Factset
Grethe Brown, CEO, DiffusionData
Harry Darrell-Brown, Senior Product Manager, KX
Onik Kurktchian, Head of S&P Global Marketplace Workbench, S&P Global
Neil Serdinsky, Head of Market Data Technology, Wells Fargo

3:00 - 3:05 p.m. 

Update on FISD Womens Group in celebration and recognition of International Women's Day
Martina Satherlund, Global Head of Market Data, Fidelity International

3:05 - 3:50 p.m. 

Panel - AI: Looking Beyond the Hype

Referencing the Gartner ‘Hype Cycle’ – in respect of Artificial Intelligence  are we approaching a peak of inflated expectations or a trough of disillusionment ? We are not yet on the slope of enlightenment and definitely a long way from any kind of plateau of productivity. Chat GPT has stirred things lately. Market data folk have not spent much, if any, time thinking about AI. Was that –a mistake?

Moderator: Tim Baker, Managing Director, Financial Services Practice Lead, Expero Inc.
John Abel, Technical Director, Office of the CTO, Goggle Cloud
RJ Assaly, Chief Product Officer, TOGGLE
Vera Silver, CIO, Bitvore
Mike Wright, Head of Market Data Technology, Deutsche Bank

3:50 - 4:00 p.m. 

Engineering Stream - Update Briefing
Simon Clerck, Head of Market Data Engineering, Goldman Sachs
Nigel Phelan
, Chief Architect for the Market Data Team, JP Morgan

4:00 - 4:30 p.m. 

Coffee Break

4:30 - 5:15 p.m. 

A Down to Earth Look at the Role of 'On Prem' Panel

Cloud is front and center in the market data industry of 2023. But there was life before the Cloud and there is life without the Cloud. Market data engineering has worked on premises for decades, worked well far below those fluffy alluring clouds. In this session we keep our feet firmly on the ground and explore the continuing role that ON PREMISES technology has to play. Cloud is not the be all end all – at least not yet.

Moderator: Sapna Swaly, Head of Sales EMEA, Exegy
Simon Clerck, Head of Market Data Engineering, Goldman Sachs
Andrew Churchman, Director Market Data, Commerzbank
Matt Eddy, Head of Enterprise Integration Proposition, Refinitiv
Gordon McArthur, CEO, Beeks Group
Brian Stephens, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer, Pegasus Enterprise Solutions

5:15 - 5:20 p.m.

FISD Update
Tom Davin

5:20 - 5:55 p.m. 

Panel - The Market Data Engineering Brain Drain 

We know that people matter – and in this session we get personal. All the exciting market data technology we discuss at events like this is created by people, implemented by other people and then operated and supported by yet more people. Recruiting, training, nurturing and retaining such people is a challenge – we should rise to that challenge, together!

Moderator: David Anderson, FISD/Atradia
Samantha Bowers,
Executive Director, Market Data Services, JP Morgan
John Chappell
, Global Head of Market Data, Goldman Sachs
Kevin Gower, Technology Service Owner, Market Data, Macquarie Group

5:55 - 6:00 p.m. 

FISD Closing
David Anderson
, Program Director, FISD

6:00 - 8:00 p.m. 

Networking Reception


Neil Serdinsky

Senior Vice President, Head of Market Data Technology, Wells Fargo

Bio →

Onik Kurktchian

Head of S&P Global Marketplace Workbench, S&P Global

Bio →
Mike Wright headshot

Mike Wright

Head of Market Data Technology, Deutsche Bank

Bio →

Grethe Brown

CEO, DiffusionData

Bio →

Brian Stephens

Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer, Pegasus Enterprise Solutions

Bio →

Andrew Churchman

Director, Market Data, Commerzbank

Bio →

Simon Clerck

Global Head of Market Data Engineering, Goldman Sachs

Bio →

Vera Silver

Chief Information Officer, Bitvore

Bio →

Timothy Baker

Managing Director, Financial Services Practice Lead at Expero Inc.

Bio →

RJ Assaly

Chief Product Officer, TOGGLE AI

Bio →

Samantha Bowers

Executive Director, Market Data Services Engineering Lead, JPMorgan

Bio →

Martina Satherlund

Programme Director – Global Head, Market Data, Fidelity International

Bio →

Nigel Phelan

Chief Architect for the Market Data team, JP Morgan

Bio →

John Chappell

Global Head of Market Data, Goldman Sachs

Bio →

Alistair Kerr

Global Head of Market Data Services, JP Morgan

Bio →

Tom Davin

Managing Director, FISD

Bio →

Matt Eddy

Director, Real-Time Customer Managed Services, Refinitiv

Bio →

David Anderson

Program Director, FISD/Atradia

Bio →


JP Morgan

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