Gavin Lee

gavin lee

Gavin Lee serves as CEO of CME Group Benchmark Administration Limited. He is responsible for the strategy, execution and management of CME benchmark activities.

Gavin has over 30 years of experience in the financial markets where he has developed a thorough understanding of derivatives and OTC markets. Prior to joining CME Group he was Head of Sales and Business Development at Rate Validation Services (RVS). In this role, he gained extensive experience in the use of transaction evidence in the calculation and validation of benchmarks. In addition, he has held a broad range of senior management positions at SunGard, Bank One, Citibank and Credit Suisse. Gavin has been actively involved at a senior level with leading industry bodies. He has worked with regulators and market associations in developing solutions that are fully compliant with IOSCO Principles to ensure transparent and consistent use of trade data in the calculation of benchmarks.

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