Heather Gate

Chair of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Communications Equity and Diversity Council (CEDC)

As the Vice President of Digital Inclusion for Connected Nation (CN), Heather Gate is responsible for strategy development and implementation of programs that impact digital inclusion for all people in all places. Ms. Gate has more than 15 years of experience working in digital inclusion with the mission of improving the lives of vulnerable populations across the country via technology access, adoption, and use. She has extensive experience engaging with minorities, rural communities, families, and others on the frontlines of the digital divide and working behind the scenes as an advocate and tactician with local, state, and federal leaders.

Heather currently serves as the Chair of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Communications Equity and Diversity Council (CEDC). She previously served on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Advisory Committee on Diversity and Digital Empowerment (ACDDE) as the Chair of the Digital Empowerment and Inclusion Working Group (2017-2019) and Vice-Chair of the full ACDDE (2019-2021).

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