Sera Sadrettin-Perry

  • Sera joined Fidelity in March 2020 and has a central role in leading the strategic and operational development and management of the Private Assets business. She is responsible for Investment Operations and, in conjunction with other members of the Private Assets senior leadership team, is spearheading the development and delivery of the Private Assets strategy and business plan. As Accountable Executive to the Private Assets Programme, Sera is accountable for the implementation of strategic projects and initiatives to develop the business; including the design and delivery of an efficient, and scalable ‘end to end’ Target Operating Model and Investment Platform. During Sera’s career she headed up both fund and international corporate finance functions, led the strategic development and operational implementation of Global operational, investment and distribution platforms, including restructuring and establishing new overseas companies and capabilities. Her previous roles have included Global Strategy & Corporate Development Director, Head of International Finance, and during her earlier career, fund financial controller positions. Sera strongly believes that creating a diverse and inclusive working environment is absolutely vital not only to the success of the organisations and individuals involved, but also to the success of society as a whole. As a female leader in what was a traditionally male dominated industry, Sera has had the opportunity to see real positive change in the diversity of the workforce over the course of her career, however there is still a long way to go and she is passionate about raising awareness of the amazing opportunities for women to have rewarding and successful careers in Investment and Operations.
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