SIIA Endorses Supply Chain Measures in the America COMPETES Act

Washington, DC – The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) endorses sections 20501-20508 of the America COMPETES Act to strengthen supply chains and create mechanisms to identify and mitigate supply chain vulnerabilities. If adopted by Congress these measures will establish a new office in the Department of Commerce to lead a government-wide effort to strengthen supply chains, authorize $45 billion in grants and loans to support supply chain resilience, and foster new public-private efforts.  Jeff Joseph, President and CEO of SIIA, provided this statement:

Jeff Joseph, President and CEO of SIIA, provided this statement: “Supply chain disruptions have a profound effect on SIIA’s members and the countless individuals who rely on their information services. The Covid-19 pandemic and geopolitical disruptions have demonstrated the need for the United States to strategically ensure the worldwide resilience, diversity, security, and strength of supply chains and sources of critical goods – not only for the United States but for its democratic allies and partners around the world. We support the supply chain provisions in the America COMPETES Act sponsored by Reps. Robin Kelly (IL-02), Lisa Blunt Rochester (DE-At Large), Adam Kinzinger (IL-16), Debbie Dingell (MI-12), Tom Malinowski (NJ-07),  Susan Wild (PA-07), and Carolyn Bourdeaux (GA-07). Creating a dedicated office in the Department of Commerce to lead on critical supply chain issues, foster manufacturing capability, and build stronger partnerships with the private sector will strengthen the innovation fabric of the United States and its allies and partners and protect our shared security.”

SIIA encourages Congress to include these provisions in the final bill as the House and Senate reconcile differences in the the America COMPETES Act (H.R.521) and the United States Innovation and Competition Act (S.1260).


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