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October 20, 1 p.m. US Eastern Time

Free for All Access members ($5k and up)
$49 per session and $299 for all 9 sessions for all other members (there are 2 more sessions to come; 7 are on-demand);
$199 per session for non-members; $1499 for all 9 sessions

Reader engagement is the lifeblood of our industry. Editors and journalists toil every day to produce the content that will excite, intrigue and compel their audiences to read. How do we measure this engagement? The almighty click. For decades, there has been an overreliance — some might say, “obsession” — with clicks, and it has skewed our view of the content we should produce. There is no perfect measure, but we can do better. In this session, you will learn how Money-Media, a Financial Times company, came up with a new and improved engagement metric and how this supports better content development – and ultimately, more revenue.

Dan Fink oversees the Money-Media business unit, which was acquired by the Financial Times in 2008. Money-Media is a native digital publisher with over 130 staff, 10 products, and operations on three continents. Money-Media sits within FT Specialist, the Financial Times’ specialist publishing division, and publishes premium news across multiple industries. Dan is a member of the FT’s senior management group, is the chairman of the FT’s 401k investment committee, and sits on the executive advisory board for multiple publishing industry groups, including the AM&P Network. Dan earned an MBA at Indiana University and was a national champion gymnast.


Dan Fink

Managing Director, Money-Media (a Financial Times company)

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