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July 14, 1-1:40 p.m. US Eastern Time

Free for All Access members ($5k and up)
$49 per session for Premium and Associations Council members;
$399 for all nine sessions $199 per session for non-members, $1499 for all nine sessions

Turning data into content provide a truly valuable resource for your audience, distinguishes your brand from your competitors and can even provide the basis for high-margin, revenue-generating products. But effective data journalism isn’t just data dumps and Excel charts—it’s about understanding how to uncover new angles and provide deeper understanding into your subject matter. Winners from the Jesse H. Neal and Excel Awards offer a step-by-step primer on data journalism including,

*How to source information, including existing, free resources from state, local and federal government  

*How to interpret trends within data

*Converting data into easily accessible content

*Tools to help display data effectively  


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